Old Birkonians we remember…

Here is a list of The Old Birkonian Society Members who we would like to remember. If you have any information of any members past or present please contact us.

Gary Hopkins [Staff 1982 - 2013]

We are very sorry to have to announce the death, last weekend 1st/2nd March 2025, of Gary Hopkins, at his home in Wallasey, after he had suffered poor health for a number of years.


Gary was educated at The Mosslands School, Wallasey and at Christ’s College, Cambridge, where he read English.  After his first teaching post at Wrekin College, Shropshire, he was appointed in 1982  by Headmaster John Gwilliam to replace David Yates in the English Department at Birkenhead School.  He succeeded Michael Harrison as Headmaster of Junior School from 1990 to 1996 and was later appointed Head of Sixth Form, a position which he held until he retired in 2013.


Gary was a much-admired and hugely popular member of staff, who will be fondly remembered alike by former colleagues and by the many hundreds of pupils whom he taught or with whom he came into contact during his thirty-one years at School.  

 Father Mark Turner, much loved School Chaplain and Teacher of Religious Studies [2017 - 2022]

Dear Friends of Birkenhead School,

I write with the sad news that Father Mark Turner, much loved School Chaplain and Teacher of Religious Studies from September 2017 to December 2022, passed away last Friday evening after a short illness.

I share this news with you with the kind permission of his loving family, wife Sarah, and son, James, in the knowledge that, as the School community that Mark loved so much, and contributed so much to, we will now rally round and support them through these incredibly challenging times.

Father Mark was a hugely popular figure to all here, with the warmth of personality and selfless care for others that enabled him to inspire and be a friend to the whole community – children and students from Little School through to Upper Sixth, staff, parents and alumni. He left a couple of years ago to look after the parish in Hooton – a position, and calling, that I know he was loving, and was equally loved by those in his parish.

I believe we learn much about people’s character and values during the hard times, and Father Mark’s community spirit and selflessness particularly came to the fore during the pandemic. Personally, I remember with great fondness and deep respect his Christmas fundraising efforts and the videos of his dancing that went viral during that time (picture below), and the joy that it brought our community when it was greatly needed. I know that we will all have our own personal memories of Mark’s great contribution to the School and wider community, and I hope that these will be a source of strength to many in the days and months ahead.

In time, and, guided by Sarah and James, there will be an opportunity to celebrate his contribution to School life here in the School’s Chapel. For now, I ask that we keep Father Mark and his family in our thoughts and prayers.

Kind regards.



Paul Vicars


Harry Manley [1941-1951]

Harry’s wife, Margaret, has written to advise us that Harry passed away on 26th January, 2025. For many years Harry was very active in the London Branch.

Jonathan Green [Staff 1998 - 2005]

We are sorry to announce that Jonathan Green died recently.  Jonathan joined the staff to teach Geography in January 1998, replacing Phil Whittel.  He left in 2005 on his appointment as Head of Geography at Merchant Taylors’ School, Crosby.   He was diagnosed some years ago with Motor Neurone Disease, from which he did not recover.  He had to give up teaching, which he found a very sad necessity.

George Pirtheesingh [1991 - 1998]

We are very sorry to report the death, in the evening of Monday 28 October, in Westhoughton, Lancs, of George Pirtheesingh, after a collision with a car.

George was a pupil in Senior School from 1991 to 1998 and took A Levels in Ancient History, English Literature, Latin and General Studies.  He studied Ancient History and Archaeology at Durham University and was awarded his degree in 2001.  If we receive details of the arrangements for the funeral, there will be a further posting.

Thomas A Sanderson [1980 - 1994]

Nicholas Sanderson has advised us in his email below that his younger brother Thomas sadly passed away on 1st October 2024.

Thomas Sanderson [1980-1994]

Tom attended both BPS and Birkenhead School where amongst other achievements was a key member of the school hockey team and a senior school prefect graduating in 1994.
Tom then joined Cardiff University to study Geology, graduating in 1997 and then moved to Bristol university to obtain his PGCE. He would later also gain an MSC in Geography from Liverpool University.

He spent over ten years teaching Geography at Bacon's College in London taking a break to also complete his initial accountancy training. He was an accomplished and popular teacher and also heavily involved in other areas of school life including leading trips away for groups of students . Whilst in London he was a successful Sunday league football team manager and also an enthusiastic player.

Post London, Tom spent some years teaching at various schools across the North West of England where, he was again, very popular with his students.

Tom passed away on the 1st of October 2024 aged 48 and will be greatly missed by friends and family alike.

A service to celebrate Tom's life will be held at 11:30 on Friday the 8th of November at St Stephens Church in Prenton (CH42 8LA) - All are welcome

John Fox [Staff 1990 - 2013]

We are very sorry to report the recent death of John Fox.  John taught Mathematics at School from 1990 to 2013.  He had read Natural Sciences at Cambridge and taught pupils of all ages and abilities, particularly enjoying his teaching of Mechanics at Sixth Form level.  Not many pupils knew of his deep interest in British History and its castles, which kept him busy during his retirement.

W Robert Lee [1957-1964]

We have learned from an obituary in The Guardian that Robert passed away on 16th June 2024..

The Guardian Obituary can be seen by this link Robert Lee obituary | University of Liverpool | The Guardian

James Alastair Carruthers [1955- 1963] ]

We have recently received Alastair’s obituary. He lived in Canada. Click to read his obituary as a .pdf

James “Edwin” Berry [1951 - 1962]

I am sadly writing to inform you that my father, Edwin Berry, passed away peacefully on Sunday 21st July 2024. He always spoke very fondly of his school days. His achievements in athletics at Birkenhead School were a source of great pride to his parents and wider family. We believe he was the first pupil of the school to clear a height of 6 feet in the high jump and he was Victor Ludorum in 1962. His funeral has been arranged for Thursday 15th August 2024 - details available from Charles Stephens Funeral Directors.

Robert [Bob] Skelly [1957 - 1965]

Teacher at Alleyn’s School, Dulwich 1970-2000; Liberal Democrat Councillor in Southwark 2002-2010 Mayor of Southwark 2007-8; Chair of Bermondsey Community Council 2008-9 Active in the life of Southwark Cathedral; resident of East Dulwich for over 50 years You are invited to Bob’s funeral service at Honor Oak Crematorium (SE4 2LJ) on Monday 19 August 2024 at 3 pm

Donald Cameron [Staff 1982 - 2008]

We are very sorry to have to report the death, on Sunday 4 August, 2024, in Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, of Donald Cameron, after a brave fight against cancer.

A proud Scot, Donald was educated at Edinburgh Academy and Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge.  After teaching in Kenya, he was appointed to teach Physics at School on the retirement of Frank Ellis in 1982.  Donald was a key member of the team which taught large numbers of students at Sixth Form level, under the leadership of Alan Hanson and, more recently, Dennis Highcock.

It is for his work as Examinations Officer, for 26 years, that Donald is particularly remembered.  He had a flair for administration, and effortlessly guided the School through a period of great change; GCSE was introduced in 1988, AS/A2 in 2001/2002, and a wider range of Examination Boards was used in different subjects.  As if that did not keep him busy, he ran a successful Community Service scheme for students who did not join the CCF.

His wife and daughter continue to live in Cambridge, where his wife has a fine apartment alongside the river, close to many of the boathouses.

Mark Rhodes [1978- 1985]

We have received news of the sad death of Mark Rhodes OB.  He suffered a heart attack on 1 July, while walking in Wales, from which he did not recover.  He was aged 57.  He was a pupil at BPS, and then in Senior School from 1978 to 1985.   He was the only son of Dusty and Ros Rhodes.  Dusty, as he was always known, is remembered by hundreds of Old Birkonians from his years as a teacher at School, from 1969 to 1995.

John E Moore [1948-1956]

We have learned from a relative that John passed away .on 21st October. 2023.

Alan John Fraser Dackers [1951-1957]

We have been advised that Alan passed away 14th June, 2024.

Martin Beresford Fisher [1951—1958]

We have learned that Martin passed away on 5th June 2024.

Donald E Webb [1945 - 1950]

Donovan Hide has advised us that Donald passed away on 26th May 2024.Donald was a successful playwright and scriptwriter. The Guardian printed his obituary which can be found with this link.


David D Boyce [1956 -1963]

We have learned via David Rule [ in May 2024] that David passed away recently.

Click here to read more about David’s life.

Dennis Highcock [staff 1997 - 2012]

Old Birkonians who were at School during the early years of the present century will be sorry to hear of the death, during the morning of Friday 17 May, of Dennis Highcock, after a short illness.

A pupil at Cowley School, St Helens, Dennis read Physics at Bangor University.  From a teaching post at Carlett Park, Wirral Metropolitan College, he was appointed to the Physics Department at Birkenhead School in September 1997.  In 2000, on the retirement of Alan Hanson, he succeeded him as Head of Physics just as the AS/A2 examination system was inaugurated.  He retired in 2012.

With his warm and friendly personality, Dennis endeared himself to colleagues and students alike.  Those who were fortunate to encounter him inside or outside the classroom will remember him fondly.   

Brian N Jones [1950-1957]

We have learned, via the Thatch Group of which Brian was a regular, that he sadly passed away on 16th April, 2024.

Gerald [Gerry] Peter Griffiths [1955 - 1963]

We have learned via Ian Boumphrey that Gerry passed away on 11th April 2024.

Ronald Robert Treasurer [1954 - 1961]

We have learned that Ronald passed away on 22nd February, 2024.

Anthony Mark Slater [1951 - 1959]

We have been advised by his brother that Mark passed away on 20th March 2024.

Bob Birrell [Staff 1962 -98]

We are sorry to have to report that Bob died on Thursday 21 March, in Arrowe Park Hospital, having suffered from dementia for some time.

Bob taught at School from 1962 to 1998 and was for 29 years Head of Chemistry.  A graduate of the University of Manchester, with First Class Honours,  he led a team of gifted teachers in a department whose examination results over the years were excellent.  Former pupils will remember him for his athletic prowess; he gave many hours of his time to the coaching of individual athletes and was involved with rugby teams for many years.

He was an Olympic and Commonwealth Games high hurdler. He was a member of Liverpool Harriers who have an excellent record of Bob’s athletic career as a .pdf on their website which can be accessed here : Bob-Birrell-Profile.pdf (liverpoolharriers.co.uk)

Bob’s funeral will be at Landican (14.00), followed by a service in the School Chapel (15.00) and then refreshments in the Dining Hall, on Wednesday 24 April.

Andrew [Andy] Ramsay Dingwall [1943 - 1950]

We have been advised by Andy’s executor that Andy sadly passed away at home on 27th December, 2023.

Gordon Roderick [Roy] Thomson [1942-1945]

Roy’s son , Canon Simon Thomson, has advised us that Roy passed away aged 95 on 14th January 2024.

Alan K Bradley [1944-1951]

Alan’s daughter Carolyn has advised us that he passed away in 2023.

Peter B Warr [1948 -1955]

Peter’s daughter Carrie has advised us that her father passed away in 2023.


Peter Ascroft [1948- 1956]

We have learned via Roger Ewing that Peter passed away towards the end of November, 2023.

Peter Venour [1941-1947]

Mrs Christine Venour has emailed us to advise us that Peter passed away in Australia in December, 2023.

Rev. G Derek Gill [1940 - 1951]

We were advised on 23rd November 2023 that sadly Derek has passed away. Unfortunately, we have no information on when Derek passed away.

James Edward Maddocks [1942 - 48]

We have learned that Jim passed away on 16th September 2023..

Christopher Bakalarski [1959 - 1966]

We have learned that Chris sadly passed away on 22nd September, 2023. On leaving School Chris read Classics at Durham University. He then worked in insurance in Liverpool. At School he was in the Choir and the Choral Society. He was also a School Prefect.

The funeral of the late Christopher Bakalarski ('Chris'), late of Spital Road Bromborough will take place at 11 am on Tuesday 28th November at St Andrews Church, Bebington, followed by committal at Blacon at noon. If more details are required please contact Laurence Jones Funeral Directors on 0151 608 8503 or ACS Solicitors on 0151 346 1375.

Donald Fraser [1943 - 1947]

Donald’s daughter, Alison Tuncliffe, has advised us that her father sadly passed away on 25th August,2023.

Gordon Edwards [1953 - 58]

Gordon’s daughter, Verity hunter, has notified us that he sadly passed away on 10th September, 2023 in Bristol.

D Malcolm Kaye [1948 - 1961]

We have learned that Malcolm sadly passed away on 29th August, 2023.

Trevor S Roberts [1953 - 1959]

Dr. Richard Roberts (1977-1990) and Professor Justin Roberts (1974-1987) wish to advise of the death of their father Trevor who was a pupil 1953-1959 and as a governor of the school from 1980-1996. He died on 27th August 2023 peacefully after a long struggle with Parkinson’s disease.

Richard J Lee [1975 - 1982]

 We have recently  been notified of the sad death, at the age of 58, of Richard Lee OB.  Richard entered School in 1975.  A member of Sloman’s House and the RAF Section, he was keenly involved in Chapel Choir.  He frequently accompanied services on the  organ in the morning services and on Sunday evenings..  Academically he was very successful, winning a Scholarship to Christ Church, Oxford to read French and Latin.  He subsequently pursued a career in the music industry, working at the BBC, ITV and Sky.  He died on 24 August 2022.

L [Len] O Kirkham [1949 - 1956]

Len sadly passed away on 5th July 2023. He was an active member of the OBFC and also a regular attendee of the Wednesday night “Pragmatists” get together at the “Thatch” in Raby. For many years he was a member of the Archives Team.

Allan Edward Rowlands [1953 - 1960]

We have been advised on 26th June 2023 that Allan has recently passed away.

John M G Marsden [1944 - 1952]

We have been advised by John’s daughter-in-law, Jo, that he sadly passed away in May 2023.

Christopher John Allan [1958 - 1969]

We have learned that Christopher passed away on 3rd April 2023.

Denis E Bethell [1935 - 1943]

We have been advised, on 24th April, 2023, by Denis’ daughter that he sadly passed away during COVID on 24th March, 2020.

James K Aitkin [1980 - 1987]

We have received notification of the sad and untimely death, on 7th April 2023, of James Aitkin at the age of 54. James came to Birkenhead School from Dormie House in September 1980, After taking Latin, Greek and Ancient history to A Level and following studies at Durham and Cambridge Univerities he achieved impressive distinction in academia. A glance at the Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, website makes it clear how successful he had been.

Brian Arthur George King [1944 -1948]

Jane Patrick has advised us that her father ,Brian, passed away on 12th March 2023. His funeral was held at Chester Cathedral .

James Trevor Roberts [known as JT] [1961 - 1968]

On 11th March 2023 we learned from S K Smith [OB] that JT passed away on 5th September 2014.

J Simon Newton [1956 - 1964]

Simon’s son . Tom, has advised us that his father passed away on 19th February 2023

Ralph N Bond [1945 - 1953]

Kay Bond has just advised us that Ralph passed away in January 2018.

David T Spencer [ 1952 - 1958]

We have been notified in February 2023 by David’s wife, Patricia, that he has passed away

Ian Rae [1958 - 1961]

Ian’s daughter , Jennifer, has advised us that he passed away in 2021.

Philip Ian Miller [1965 - 1970]

We have just learned that Ian passed away in April 2020.

Robert Anderson [1947 - 1955]

We have just learned from Robert’s daughter, Sarah, that he passed away in 2020.

Thomas Arnold Purcell [1946 - 1954]

Arnold’s daughter, Katherine, has advised us that he sadly passed away in September 2022.

Gerald Rodney Webster [1950 - 1958]

We have learned that Gerald passed away on 23rd December 2022.

Cameron E Boyd [1958 - 1968]

Cameron’s daughter Clare has advised us that Cameron passed away on 1st December 2022.

Derek B Wright [1937 - 1944]

Derek’s executor has advised us that he passed away on 7th August 2022.

Ian Wilson-Sigston [1949 - 1955]

Ian’s daughter Elaine has advised us that Ian passed away on 5th September 2022 aged 84 years.

Michael Alexander Burke [1997 - 2004]

We have been advised that Michael passed away on 27th November 2022.

John Francis Moor [1948 - 1953]

I am writing to inform you of the death of my brother John Francis Moor. He attended Birkenhead School from 1948 to 1953 before going into a career in banking. He passed away in June 2022, aged 85, and his widow Mary asked me to pass on the news to the school.

Many Thanks,

Robin Moor (1953-1961)

A G [Tony] Mathie [1957-1964]

We have been advised by Tony’s wife that he passed away in April 2021.

Mark Andrew Hughes [ 1986-1993]

The School was advised by phone by Mark’s family that he had sadly passed away. We have no further information.

Riko Yu [2004-2011]

We have been advised that Riko sadly passed away on 16th November 2022.

After receiving a brain cancer diagnosis in January 2018, Riko endured multiple surgeries, countless scans and debilitating treatments with uncomplaining grace, humour, and no small amount of loud and tuneless but enthusiastic singing.

With treatments complete, Riko retrained as a teacher in 2020. It was a natural calling for him and he adored his students. However, he suffered a recurrence earlier this year. Further treatment proved ineffective and he entered palliative care in September.

Riko passed away at home on Wednesday 16th November 2022 surrounded by love with his parents, sister, brother-in-law, nephew, and dogs at his side.


The service for Riko will be held at 3pm on Friday 9th December at the Landican Cemetery and Crematorium, Birkenhead, Wirral. The wake will be held from 4.30pm at a venue TBD.

We hope you can all join us on December 9th in celebrating Riko's life as he would have wanted - with food, drink, and singing.

The above comes from the Just Giving page For Riko at https://www.justgiving.com/team/riko-yu

Victor S D Logan FRCS [1942 - 50]

We have been advised by Mrs Logan on 15th November 2022 that Victor has passed away.

He passed away on 26 September 2021 after falling ill from pulmonary fibrosis.
He was born in Douglas Isle of Man on 16 December 1932 where his father was a presbyterian minister. The family moved to Upton Wirral when his father was appointed  minister of the church there. He obtained a scholarship to Birkenhead School and then entered Liverpool University to study medecine and graduated with honours.  Instead of national service in 1958 he joined the Australian Navy on a short commission and was sent to HMAS Penguin in Sydney initially. He was sent to Manus Island New Guinea as an emergency doctor when the navy doctor had to leave with one of his sick children,   he stayed for a couple of weeks there. The post of Medical Officer on Manus Island became vacant and Victor was asked by the Admiral if he would be willing to take the post provided he signed on for a longer commission. Victor and Françoise moved to Manus in December 1958 6 months after their marriage in Geneva. In Sept 1961 their first son Andrew was born in Manus. They returned to Melbourne at the end of the commission in 1962 and left Australia on the MV Port New Plymouth where Victor was the ship s medical officer with 12 passengers and a cargo of apples to sail to London. Back in England Victor decided to study for the FRCS whilst working part time in Liverpool. He obtained FRCS Ed. and Lon. worked as Registrar in Surgery in Liverpool, Birmingham, London and Oxford before being appointed Consultant General Surgeon at Dewsbury District Hospital in 1973 where he spent 22 years before retiring aged 62 in 1995. In his retirement he supported his wife who was hon. Administrator and later Vice President of the
Leeds International Piano Competition, he enjoyed playing his Steinway and listening to Competitors who practised in his home in Rawdon, Leeds. He also joined the Rotary Club and helped with their activities. 

Alfred Thompson [1943 - 1952]

Geraldine Thompson has advised us that Alfred passed away on 10th November 2021.

Ian S Ramsden [1962 -1974]

Ian’s brother Peter has advised us that he passed away suddenly at home, in New Brighton, on 30th May 2022

Ian Russell Young [1950 - 1957]

We have been advised that Ian passed away on 6th August 2022.

Philip J Purser [ 1939 - 1943]

John Harrison has notified us of Philip’s obituaries in the Guardian and Daily Telegraph.



Philip was an author , playwright, journalist and long standing television critic with the Sunday Telegraph. He passed away on 1st August 2022.

Michael Javaid Cox [ 1961 - 1967]

Michael’s wife has advised us that he passed away on 1st August 2022.

George Gordon MacPherson [1952 - 1960]

We have been advised by Simon Jackson [ OB 1974 -81] that Gordon passed away in 14th November 2021

Wikepedia entry .https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_MacPherson

Adrian M Price [ 1995 - 1998]

We have sadly learned that Adrian passed away in 2022.

Michael A H Taylor [1952 - 1959]

We have learned via Roger Ewing that Michael passed away on 5th July 2021

Ian Godfrey Solly [1955 - 1961]

Ian’s son John , has advised that his father passed away in 2021. We have no further details.

John Kenneth Parkes Edwards [1941 - 1946]

John’s widow advises that he passed away on 25th May 2022.

Michael Ian Woods [1960 - 1967]

Michael’s son John has sent us the following:

Michael Ian Woods (OB 1960-1967) passed away peacefully with his family by his side, on 16th June 2022, in London.


Mike, alongside his long time friend Paul Daniel, entered Birkenhead School at the age of ten, a year ahead of schedule.  He represented the house (Davies) and school in many sports, most notably the 1st XI Hockey and Colts team, where he captained them to an unbeaten season (as featured on page 20 of the Pictorial History of Birkenhead School Part Two). He was also a Lance Corporal in the School Cadet Force and a member of the FE Debating Society. 


Mike entered the sixth form early, aged just 14, and having been told by his Classics Head, ’I see you at Pembroke under Godfrey Bond’, duly won an open scholarship, aged 16, to Pembroke College (Oxford) to read Classics.  After graduating, and a short time as an accountant at the LTA, Mike as an early adopter of database management and the internet, forged a successful and innovative career in algorithmic programming.

As a sports fanatic Mike played club hockey and cricket throughout life before going on to umpire at Hampstead Cricket Club into his sixties - and he religiously followed Tranmere Rovers!


He is survived by his wife, son and daughter.

Peter M Scurfield [Staff 1964 - 1970]

We have recently learned that Peter died in December 2020. He joined the staff in 1964 and taught PE , Games and geography. A keen rugby player, he played scrum half for Gosforth, Northumberland and Liverpool. He left in 1970 to return to his native north east.

Nicholas Wheat also advises the following:

It should be added that during his time on the Wirral Peter played for Cheshire in seasons 1967/8, 1968/9 & 1969/70 in the County Championship (per the Cheshire RFU online archives). A few months before joining the School staff, Peter was a member of the victorious Loughborough Colleges team that won the prestigious Middlesex Sevens tournament.

David J Tomsett [1956 - 1963]

We have just received the following information,

tribute/ obituary notice at Tribute: David John Tomsett - The Pharmaceutical Journal (pharmaceutical-journal.com)

P N [Pip] Pennel [1948 -1956]

Cliff .G. (Scop) Williams has advised us as follows:

Phil (Pip) Pennell of Wombourne passed away on Sunday, 24th January. He had just celebrated his 84th birthday, his middle name being Noel.

Phil was in the 48/55 group, a smallish lightly built character fresh from Mersey Park Primary School.  In Senior School he was in Griffin’s House.

Phil was the all-time great enthusiast. If anything was going, he would volunteer for it, and he makes me think of a Corporal Jones, long before Dad’s Army was a twinkle in somebody’s eye.

Obviously he had to be wicket-keeper in any cricket match, and to see him vainly and valiantly  diving sideways for a 100mph ball flying miles wide of the wicket brought the tears(of laughter) to everyone’s eyes!

After leaving B.S. in 1955 he went on National Service in the Signal Regiment, spending quite some time stationed in Aqaba on the Persian Gulf. While there he applied, went for interview to Liverpool University, where, on de-mob, he studied Geography.

A regular for the O.B.s rugby he played mainly in the 3rd/4th teams, and finished up as captain of the 4ths for at least one season.

After university he went into Town Planning, firstly with South Staffs, then Worcester, and finally Wyre Forest, where he was Chief Planning Officer. Whilst at South Staffs he based himself at Wolverhampton where he had the good fortune to come under the spell of his beloved Mary.  Married, they settled in Wombourne, had two children, Sally-Ann and Nick, and he spent the rest of his life there.

An incredibly popular guy, he was a true friend.

Edward Robert Dalton Scott [1957 - 1965]

“We have been advised by Edward’s older brother, Andrew (1954 - 62), that he passed away suddenly on 7th October 2021 in San Rafael, California at the age of 74.

He spent his distinguished research career in the study of meteorites, received the Leonard Medal of the Meteoritical Society in 2008 and was elected President of the Society from 2011 to 2012. In 2016 after his retirement, he became Professor Emeritus at the Hawai‘i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology.

To read his obituary on the Meteoritical Society’s website, click here.”

The obituary is at https://meteoritical.org/news/edward-r-d-scott-2021

Roger Allison-Jones [1956 - 1963]

Chris Talbert has advised us of Roger’s obituary in the Sydney Moring Herald.

Trevor Owen also advised us as follows:

Trevor Owen has sent us the following in regard to Roger:

Sadly, I must advise you that Roger died in Sydney on 30th April 2022 per advice received from his partner Natalie (see below)

Roger came to BS from Eastway Primary School in Moreton in 1956 and left in 1963.

His Valete entry from the January 1964 issue of Birkonian magazine reads

R A Jones: Bushell’s: House Prefect; House Captain Swimming: Badminton VI 1963 ; School Shooting 1962-3; Sgt RAF; Bower Shooting Cup 1963; Hambledon Scholarship 1963.

Roger qualified as a dentist and practiced in the Wirral area before migrating to Australia. He then established a practice in Mona Vale. He was a keen photographer and was also interested in aircraft and flying as a hangover from his CCF days.

He could remember an incident where the flying trainer accidentally became airborne on the Noctorum field and crash landed thanks to a strong gust of wind. Harold McCready then had to complete a crash report for a device that wasn’t supposed to fly!

I wasn’t in contact with Roger for a long time after we left school, but he made contact some years ago in researching various aspects of Birkenhead School history via Friends Reunited. This included the discovery of period BS photographs on Flickr as taken by the late Phil Capper. He was frustrated that the OBS website was so inactive on such matters.

We used to hold reunion meetings regularly in pre Covid times whenever my wife and I visited our family in Australia. We would reminisce about life at school and in the CCF.

Roger lived with his partner in Manly and we used to spend a day out together visiting some interesting places for a walk and meal. We did try to locate other OBs from our era living around Sydney but never found anyone!

On one visit Roger took us around Mona Vale and showed us where he had his practice. On the last occasion in 2018 we visited a botanic Garden before enjoying a meal at a Vietnamese restaurant where he and his partner selected the food on our behalf.

Best regards


Subject: Roger Allison-Jones

Dear all,

Roger died peacefully at 6:45 this morning (30/04).
He is in a much better place, no more pain, and has his independence and dignity back.

A message from Roger.
"I'll try to say goodbye to a few special friends, but if I don't get the chance, try to contact them and let them know that I have died, but I value their friendship enormously and regret not keeping in touch better."
I hope he will find friends like you in the new place.

Roger didn't like funerals and would prefer to be remembered in his old healthy self. So, there is no funeral, as per Roger's wish.
But he is with us in our fond memories.

Roger had always believed in having the option of Voluntary Assisting Dying, now more so after what he had been through. And this is the movement I will be supporting.


RIP Roger.

D G [Derek] Hornby [1944 - 1952]

Derek’s son Steven advised us on 21st April 2022 that he had passed away.

Captain M [Mike] Hurley [1943 - 1949]

Mike’s son has advised us that sadly, he passed away in 2021.

R P [Philip] Gwilliam [1964 - 1976]

Philip was the son of former Headmaster J.A. Gwilliam

Philip’s brother Peter wrote to advise us of his death as follows:

It is with great sadness that I am writing to inform the school that my brother Philip died suddenly after a fall at his home in Salford on 7 April 2022. He was aged 63. Below is a brief obituary.

Philip was educated at Birkenhead School between 1964 and 1976. An exceptionally bright student he won an Open Scholarship in Mathematics to Trinity College Cambridge when he was only 16. After graduating from Trinity he qualified as an actuary and worked for the CRS in Manchester for 30 years.
At school he was an outstanding long distance runner, regularly winning the cross country championships and as an adult he became one of the top mountain marathon competitors in the country. He did all this despite suffering severe epilepsy. Even in his 60s he still thought nothing of walking forty miles a day across the most rugged terrain.

He was a tireless conservator and charity worker and had a particular affinity for working with the disabled. A man of great Christian Faith he fondly remembered his time in the Crusaders at Birkenhead School under the guidance of Will Rankin. Philip had a great sense of humour and when at school decided to enliven lessons and Chapel services by smuggling his pet Pekingese Mr Woo in to join the fun. Mr Woo did not even belong to us but came to visit our house on most days.

A [Tony] M Roberts [1950 - 1958]

We have been advised by Tony’s brother Trevor that Tony passed away on 20th October 2021.

Dr Thomas Norman Calvey [ 1943 - 1951]

We have been advised by his daughter on 8th February 2022 that Thomas passed away in 2017.

John Spencer Allanby [1950 - 1958]

We have been advised by Mr Vicars on 15th February 2022 that John passed away in October 2021.

Michael G Ackerley [1944 - 1946]

We have been advised on 23rd February 2022 that Michael has passed away. We have no further details.

James Alan Arden [1938 - 1945]

We have been advised that James has passed away. We have no further details.

John William Bell [1946 - 1954]

We have been advised in February 2022 that William passed away on 17th November 2017.

John B Gregory [ 1956 - 1959]

We have been advised by Ian Boumphrey that John has passed away. We have no further details.

David Devey [1953 - 1958]

We have been advised by Roger Ewing that David passed away on 23rd January 2022.

Lindsay Tyler [1954 - 1961]

We have received the following from Geoff Gibbs:

Lindsay left BS around 1962 to go to Cambridge (Veterinary Studies), sadly died on 28th December.

He worked overseas for much of his career and had various adventures, especially in Ethiopia. He was working on the Rinderpest vaccination programme in 1976 when he, Steph and 2 children were held captive for 8 months by the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front.

Let me know if you would like a bit more detail on this for a future OB news.

R Geoff Gibbs


There is a short account (4 pages) of his and his wife Steph’s adventures in Ethiopia in ‘Behind the Binoculars’ (authors Mark Avery & Keith Betton, published in 2017). More details in the Daily Mail archives 1977.

J A [Tony] Saunders [1960 - 1966]

We have been advised by Mike Woods that Tony passed away in November 2021.

M J Hayes MA PhD [1944 - 1951]

Mike’s wife , Marion, has advised us that he passed away in January 2021.

John Kenneth [Ken] Halsall [1942 - 1949]

We have been advised by Ken’s wife that he has passed away. Unfortunatley we have no further details.

N C Morton [1964 - 72]

Many contemporaries of “Nick” Morton will be saddened to learn he passed away on 26th June following a heart attack. He is survived by his wife, Pam and son, Nathan.
Throughout his BS years he was a regular 2nd or 3rd XV selection at fly half or full back and later a lover and exponent of fives. Often seen with an LP tucked beneath his arm, in his final years he was one of the first to embrace the cultural and generational upheaval then underway, resulting in frequent visits before J.A.G. and onward visits to “Fred The Barber”. My own friendship was formed some years before we both arrived at BS and endured and sparked whenever we could meet up with lifelong school pals, David Taylor and Richard Cole. His kindness, mischief, gentleness, loyalty and love will be greatly missed.
Dean Morton (No relation, but a brother nonetheless).

Stephen R Bailey BSc MBA [1961 - 1968]

Dave Rule has advised that Steve sadly passed away on 23rd July 2021.

Sir Graham Vick [1965 - 1971]

Graham passed away on 17th July,2021, from Covid complications.

Graham entered Birkenhead School from Well Lane Primary. He studied singing and conducting at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester but dropped out of the course after two years although in later years he returned and held an international chair in opera. He joined Scottish Opera to run their Opera Go Round offshoot taking small scale performances to remote parts of the country before being appointed Director of Operations in 1984 for three years. Following his vision of connecting opera with the community he co-founded the City of Birmingham Touring Opera which eventually became the Birmingham Opera Company. In 1994 he joined Glyndebourne leaving in 2000. Outside Britain he directed at the Metropolitan Opera, New York , but he mainly enjoyed working in Italy including La Scala, Milan. He was fluent in Italian.

He has been described as a brilliant but provocative opera director who took the art form into uncharted territory. He was knighted in the 2021 New Year’s Honours’ List.

Michael A H Taylor [1952 - 1959]

We have recently learned that Mike passed away on 5th July, 2021, at a care home in Ruthin.

Dr. Arthur C Moore [1936 - 1943]

Arthur’s son , Robert, has advised us of his father’s death as follows:

Sadly I have to report the death of my father:

Dr Arthur C Moore (date of birth 14 October 1925)

I'm not sure when he started at the school but he went up to Cambridge in 1943.

He was very clever. I have many beautiful school prizes all signed by

W.F Bushell (four alone in 1939).

If of any interest for your archives, inside one of them I found the

Speech Day prize list for 1941.

My mother lives on, but due to the death of my father, I have had to

move her to sheltered accommodation.

Stanley Alan Martin [1954 - 1961]

We have been advised by Alan’s widow , Jennifer , that he passed away on 27th April 2021. He was a successful sportsman during and after school and was a member of the 1961 Cambridge varsity rugby team featured in the Guardian article in 2011 (50th anniversary) click to read.

Phil Swan [left c. 1965]

Andrew Sutton has advised us that Phil Swan passed away on 21st April 2021.

PHILIP S. SWAN (1958 - 1965) For those of you who attended Birkenhead School at the same time as Phil, but can't immediately place him, he used to describe himself as "the little round one" who looked much younger than his age, and his well-known sense of humour was exceeded only by his dislike of all sports. He was always very keen on planes and flying, and obtained his Private Pilots' Licence through one of the prestigious CCF (RAF) flying scholarships even before he had his driving license. He chose to further his education at the "College of Air Training" at Hamble, near Southampton, where he spent 18 months acquiring various flying licences while earning top seniority in his class. So he was hired by BEA / British Airways as a copilot on his 20th birthday, at which time he was believed to have been the youngest airline pilot in the world. He spent the next 35 years with BriƟsh Airways, where he worked his way up to become a Captain on the Trident, the world's first trijet airliner, and then spent a few very enjoyable years flying HS748 turbo-prop aircraft between the Scottish mainland and Orkney and Shetland. He then took advantage of an opportunity to Captain Boeing 747s, in the days when it was the most distinguished airplane in the fleet, for the next 18 years. He eventually retired in 2002 at age 55, continuing to live with his family just west of Heathrow, right by the Thames at Wraysbury. After a lengthy battle, Phil eventually succumbed to bowel cancer at the age of 73 on April 21st, 2021. He was remembered by many fellow British Airways employees as a true gentleman with a wonderful sense of humour, while still being an outstanding Captain. He was survived by Liz, his wife of 33 years, their 4 children Natalie, Matthew, Kingsley, and Olivia, and a granddaughter Millicent. Information provided by Liz Swan and David A. Banks.

Ian Arthur Hammond Witter [1934 - 1944

Ian’s son Andrew Nicholas [Andy] Witter [1971 - 1978] has advised us as follows:

I am sorry to advise that my father, a fellow OB passed away on 9th April 2021. After School he read Law at Queen's College Cambridge whilst also training at Cranwell. He joined Coastal Command and was awarded for his part in the Berlin Airlift, flying Sunderland flying boats as a Flight Lieutenant. Upon leaving the RAF he joined The Associated Octel Co, initially as a training officer and remained there until retirement in 1987.

David T Spencer [ 1952 - 1958]

We have recently learned that David T Spencer has passed away. We currently have no further information.

Mrs Evelyn Barnshaw Hall [ BPS Staff 1981 - 2004]

Former pupils at BPS will be sorry to learn the Mrs. Hall passed away on Saturday 30th January ,aged 80, after a short illness with Covid-19. Mrs. Hall taught music at BPS, served as a Liverpool magistrate and kept bees and chickens.

Edward James Anthony Haygarth BCom FCA [1940 - 1950]

Tony’s son, Edward, has sent us the following:

Edward James Anthony Haygarth, [OB 1945-1950] died in April 2020. A pupil at the time that the school sports programme was headed by the old sergeant major, he participated in the rugby, cricket, tennis, hockey, and athletics teams. The school also equipped him with an excellent academic education. Having graduated from Liverpool University, he qualified as a Chartered Accountant (coming top in the country in one exam) before going on to work in commerce. Hugely proud of his school, he was regularly seen wearing his old boy’s tie in recent years.

Michael F Land [1952 - 1960]

We have learned that Michael passed away on 14th December 2020.

To read his obituary in The Guardian CLICK HERE

Iain Gordon Adams [1977 - 1983]

We have been advised by Iain’s younger brother, Andrew, that he sadly passed away in October 2020.

Kenneth J MacKenzie MA [1954 - 1961]

Paul Vicars,

Headmaster, Birkenhead School

Dear Mr. Vicars

I have been asked by the widow (Irene) of Kenneth MacKenzie to write to the School about his death, and so I am writing to you. I was at School and Oxford with Kenneth and got to know him and Irene well when I worked in Edinburgh in the 1970s.

Irene has kindly provided the Eulogy from his funeral service which provides a good picture of Kenneth and his life. There's a lot about his Church commitment which would be known to the Minister, -rather less about his enthusiasm for Amateur Dramatics which probably grew out of his involvement in dramatics at School; I'm sure we were in The Alchemist by Ben Johnson together.

Members of OBS would wish to hear the news. Kenneth was a keen supporter of their dinners before Parkinson's Disease made that impossible. He travelled down from Scotland and usually called in to see my parents, (in either Wexford or Rathmore Road), so arrived at the dinner well prepared by a glass or two of sherry.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Gee

(Prep 1952, then School 1953-60)

Mr Graham Berry [Staff 1974 - 2000]

Old Birkonians at School during the latter part of the last century will be sorry to hear that Mr Graham Berry died a few days ago after being ill for a considerable time.

He was educated at Stockport Grammar School and St Peter’s College, Oxford and was appointed in 1974 to teach Mathematics throughout the School.  He was a pivotal figure in the development of hockey as a major sport, supported by a strong team of colleagues.  He retired in 2000 and continued to live with his wife Sue, a former teacher at BPS, in Prenton.

Dr Mike William Whiteside [1958 - 1965]

We have recently learned that Mike passed away on 24th July 2015

W J R [John] Miles [1958 -1965]

We have learned that John passed away on 28th December 2019.

Geoff Austin [1971 - 1978]

Geoff sadly died suddenly of a heart attack on 29 May 2020 aged 60. He moved from Mersey Park to Birkenhead School, where he made lifelong friends and really enjoyed his time playing rugby. He went to Newcastle University where his love of computers grew and led him to his job at the Littlewoods Group and later IBM as a technical support analyst. He married Fiona, whom he met at a fellow Old Birkonians wedding; they have two children. Geoff said they were his greatest achievement. Geoff enjoyed his short retirement spending time on his music and art. He is very deeply missed by all who knew him.

Fiona Austin

Colin H Cashin BPharm MPS MIBiol [1947 - 1954]

We have been advised that Colin passed away on 31st August 2020.

Peter Dade [ 1950 - 1955]

We have learned that Peter passed away in August 2019.

Duncan J Exton [1958 - 1965]

We have learned that Duncan has passed away.

M Everard Robinson [1950 - 1958]

We have been advised by his brother, Ian, that Everard passed away on 7th November 2020. He was the son of former Headmaster K. D. Robinson.

Prof. John Moore ScD MA CEng [1954 - 1962]

We have been advised that John passed away on the 13th November 2020. To download his obituary on nrvnews.com click here

Mrs. Sylvia Graham [Staff 1988 - 1995]

We have learned that Mrs. Graham who taught French and German from 1988 until 1995 has passed away during 2020 from a stroke aged 80. After leaving Birkenhead School she moved to County Durham.

D J Brighouse [1941 - 1949]

We have learned that D J Brighouse has passed away but we do not have any further information.

John William Taylor [PE & Games master]

We have learned that John passed away on 2nd September 2020. John was born in S Wales but moved at an early age to Devon. Educated at Tiverton G. S. followed by National Service in the RAF. After National Service he went to St. Luke’s College in Exeter to train as a PE teacher. A keen rugby player he played for London Welsh. After teaching in Chichester for 7 years he came to Birkenhead School as PE and Games master in the late 1950s and left in the early 1960s after 7 years at the School. He then worked for the Sports’ Council for a short while before lecturing at a teacher training college in Birmingham.

Following early retirement he became Chief Commonwealth Secretary for the Royal Life Saving Society. In this role he visited many Commonwealth countries. In 1990 he was awarded an OBE for his work in the Commonwealth. Latterly he lived in Cornwall.

We have learned that John passed away on 2nd September 2020. John was born in S Wales but moved at an early age to Devon. Educated at Tiverton G. S. followed by National Service in the RAF. After National Service he went to St. Luke’s College in Exeter to train as a PE teacher. A keen rugby player he played for London Welsh. After teaching in Chichester for 7 years he came to Birkenhead School as PE and Games master in the late 1950s and left in the early 1960s after 7 years at the School. He then worked for the Sports’ Council for a short while before lecturing at a teacher training college in Birmingham.

Following early retirement he became Chief Commonwealth Secretary for the Royal Life Saving Society. In this role he visited many Commonwealth countries. In 1990 he was awarded an OBE for his work in the Commonwealth. Latterly he lived in Cornwall.

Alexander Richard Potter [1947 - 1953]

Alexander’s widow, Dr. Lilian Potter, has advised us that he passed away on 27th May 2020.

John C Croft [1972 - 1979]

On 24th August John’s sister, Lynda Sykes, advised he had passed away earlier in 2020.

John Clifton Croft born 6/9/60 died 8/1/20. John was a pupil at Birkenhead School from 1972-1979. He graduated in law from Kent University, did a Masters at Warwick and further post graduate study at Manchester before joining the family law firm.  He represented BS at cricket and rugby, the latter under the tutelage of Mr Gwilliam, and never lost his love of sport, history and the Classics.